
KOMATSU G26 2 Stroke Engine With 600mm Cutting Width Tea Leaf Picking Machine DL-4C-Z

Home > カテゴリー > ティーガーデン管理機器 > ガソリンエンジン茶摘採機KOMATSU G26 2 Stroke Engine With 600mm Cutting Width Tea Leaf Picking Machine DL-4C-Z


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2024-09-04 13:49:04




2024-09-04 11:59:23

このブログでは、燃料駆動の茶収穫機の機能と用途を調査し、大規模な茶園におけるその利点を強調するとともに、その使用に関するいくつかの考慮事項についても説明します。 茶収穫の世界では、特に大規模な茶園では、燃料駆動の茶収穫機が重要な役割を果たしています。



2024-09-04 11:54:50




2024-08-21 17:06:53



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KOMATSU G26 2 Stroke Engine With 600mm Cutting Width Tea Leaf Picking Machine DL-4C-Z

DL-4C-Z use KOMATSU G26 2 stroke gasoline engine, power 0.81kw 1.1HP, displacement 25.4cc, cutting width 45/50/60cm, 1 hour can pick about 500-600kg tea leaf.

  • Model : DL-4C-Z
  • Cutting Width : 40/50/60 cm
  • Engine Model : KOMATSU G26LS
  • Stroke : 2 Stroke
  • Displacement : 25.4CC
  • HP : 1.1 HP
  • Power : 0.81 KW
  • Total weight : 9.2kg
  • 製品詳細

The Tea Picking Machine is mainly used for tea picking in mountain, hilly, plain and other terrain. It is produced with international advanced technology. It has the advantages of low noise, large air volume, stable quality and high production efficiency. It is an ideal machine for tea picking.

4C-Z Mini Tea Leaf Picking Machine using our own engine KOMATSU G26 2 stroke, 25.4 CC, 0.81KW gasoline engine, output power is larger than 4 stroke, please note that the ratio of engine oil to gasoline is 25:1. The performance is more stable, and the high temperature does not extinguish. Tea picking is more efficient and efficiency is 40 times that of manual labor.


The structure of the blowpipe is optimized. The air volume of each duct is uniform and the wind is more stronger, tea leaf into tea bags faster.

Each set of tea picking machine is free of charge with a 6-meter long nylon cloth bag, which is wear-resistant and durable. The bag has a tie rope, and the working length can be adjusted arbitrarily.

Tea Leaf Picking Machine after 20 years of continuous optimization and improvement, now all parts are produced by ourselves, we ensure that every part is of the best quality, and the service life is increased by 100% compared with peers!

Custom widened and thickened shoulder strap. The width of the strap is widened by 30% and the thickness is increased by 20%. The back board is natural against the waist and conforms to ergonomics, the shoulder and waist  will not ache during use.


Tea Picking Machine

Since eight years ago, we were not satisfied with using gearbox accessories of the same poor quality as other peers. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to build our own gearbox components, which increased the life of the machine by 100%

Tea Leaf Picking Machine

SK5 carbon tool steel has been quenched with high hardness and strong wear resistance. It can cut 1 cm thick branch directly.

Mini Tea Picking Machine

For the tea producing areas with large leaves and the special needs of picking lavender and other flower, we have developed a new type of increased turret, which is 10 cm higher than the conventional one, which greatly improves the picking efficiency.

Mini Tea Leaf Picking Machine

Each set of tea picking machine is free of charge with a 6-meter long nylon cloth bag, which is wear-resistant and durable. The bag has a tie rope, and the working length can be adjusted arbitrarily.


Mini Tea Leaf Picking Machine specification list:

Model DL-4C-Z
Cutting Width 40/50/60 cm
Engine Model G26LS
Stroke 2 Stroke
Displacement 25.4 CC
HP 1.1HP
Power 0.81 KW
Total weight 9.2kg

Specification of all of Gasoline Tea Picking Machine.

Model Engine Stroke Power
DL-4C-H3 HONDA GX35 4 Stroke 1.35 KW
DL-4C-H2 HONDA GX25 4 Stroke 0.81 KW
DL-4C-Z KOMATSU G26LS 2 Stroke 0.81 KW
DL-4C-T MITSUBISHI TU26 2 Stroke 0.7 KW
DL-4C-S HUASHENG 1E34F 2 Stroke 0.7 KW
DL-4C-A NATIKA 1E34F 2 Stroke 0.7 KW
DL-4C-S39 HUASHENG 139FA 4 Stroke 0.7 KW

If you have special need, it can be customized according to the needs of customers.


Mini Type Backpack Tea Leaf Picking Machine China Factory

KOMATSU G26 2 Stroke Engine With 600mm Cutting Width Tea Leaf Picking Machine DL-4C-Z

Tea Picking Machine

Tea Leaf Picking Machine

Mini Tea Picking Machine

Mini Tea Leaf Picking Machine


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